My Most Prized Possession

My most prized possession is my pearl necklace that my grandfather gave me when I was old enough to be held responsible for such a valuable and expensive gift, which was at the age 14. When he handed me the delicate, beautiful necklace on my birthday, in a box among all of my other gifts. I found it at the bottom wrapped in light blue wrapping paper, and in a little blue box. on the box was a sweet little note that told me how much my grandparents love me and how important it was not to lose the necklace. It was made from individual pearls my grandfather would buy and have them put on one by one as he bought them until it was long enough to fit around my neck. The necklace has a gold clasp and many little pearls along it. I have not had an occasion special enough to wear my gift yet, but i hope to wear it on my wedding day to honor my grandfather. It sits on in my mother’s jewelry box next to the one she got from her grandfather.  No one has ever seen the necklace except my family because I haven’t worn it anywhere yet. I plan to keep it and wear it to very special occasions and leave it to someone in my family such as my future child or niece or cousin. But by far my most prized possession has to be my grandfathers necklace.

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