First Week of School

My first week back to school has been slow. We have mostly just gone over rules and procedures, and started some work in a few classes. The class I have done the most in so far is English because we had our summer reading tests over “Pride and Prejudice” and the play “Death of a Salesman,” which went fairly well. This is aloso the class we have had the most homework in but none of it is extremely hard yet.

About Me

Hi, my name is Hayley Barlow and these are a few of my favorite things to do, cheerleading, spending time with my friends, and reading. I cheer for the school, and I have since I was in 7th grade. I also did competitive cheer from 3rd grade through 6th grade on ETAS with Julie Weeks. ETAS is where I met my best friend Michaela and we have been friends ever since. I read all the time. I read mostly romance or mystery, and sometimes crime or murder mystery books. Another thing I like is scary movies, such as The Conjuring, The Children of the Corn, and Mama. But, by far my most favorite thing to do is spend time with my friends.